t: 619.694.7892

Other Estate Planning Services:
Amend/update your plan
Transfer assets into your trust
Guardianship + conservatorship
Administration of your loved one's trust
Estate Planning
"When you are prepared for death,
you are free to fully live."
Everyone needs a plan. Period. Stop putting it off and get your affairs in order with our "Peace of Mind" package, which includes all the necessary documents to ensure your wishes are efficiently and effectively carried out for the protection of your family, your business, and your assets all for a flat fee.
Consultation. Thorough discussion regarding your estate and your specific wishes, then create a plan to achieve your personal goals while obtaining tax savings that may be available through proper planning.
Last Will and Testament. Provides directions for handling of minor children and property.
Declaration Pursuant to Natural Death Act. Document stating your express desires regarding withdrawal or with-holding of artificial life support.
Advance Health Care Directive. Sets forth your health care requests and designates a trusted person to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so.
Durable Power of Attorney for Finances. Choose a trusted person to handle finances, business dealings, investments, etc. on your behalf if you are unable to do so.
Living Trust. Instrument to ensure your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes without the expense and interference of probate court.
Initial Funding of Trust. A living trust is not effective until it is "funded' by transferring assets into it, such as real property, accounts, etc.
Prices starting at
$3,800 per couple | $3,200 individual