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Estate Planning Services


Everyone needs a plan.  Period.  Stop putting it off and get your affairs in order quickly and properly with our estate planning package.  We provide you with all the necessary legal documents to ensure your wishes are efficiently and effectively carried out for the protection of your family, your business, and your assets. A good plan will allow you to prevent family disputes, court interference, and unneccessary taxes and fees. 





  • Consultation.  Thorough discussion regarding your estate and your specific wishes, then create a plan to achieve your personal goals while obtaining tax savings that may be available through proper planning.  

  • Pour Over Will. Provides directions for handling of minor children and property.  

  • Declaration Pursuant to Natural Death Act (Living Will) Document stating your specific desires regarding withdrawal or with-holding of artificial life support.  

  • Advance Health Care Directive.  Sets forth your health care requests and designates a trusted person to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so. 

  • Durable Power of Attorney for Finances.  Choose a trusted person to handle finances, business dealings, investments, etc. on your behalf if you are unable to do so.

  • Revocable Living Trust.  Instrument to ensure your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes without the expense and interference of probate court.  Also provides tax advantages.

  • Initial Funding of Trust.  A living trust is not effective until it is "funded' by transferring assets into it, such as real property, accounts, etc.

  • Property Agreements and Assignments, as needed.

  • Notary Service.   





  • Consultation.  Thorough discussion regarding your specific wishes and the implications of the authority granted in these documents.

  • Declaration Pursuant to Natural Death Act Document stating your express desires regarding withdrawal or with-holding of artificial life support.  

  • Advance Health Care Directive.  Sets forth your health care requests and designates a trusted person to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so. 

  • Durable Power of Attorney for Finances.  Choose a trusted person to handle finances, business dealings, investments, etc. on your behalf if you are unable to do so.

  • Notary Service.

$2000/Individual | $2500/Couple

These important documents protect you if you are alive but unable to communicate your wishes, such as in a coma or vegetative state.  Your condition will likely be stressful enough for your loved ones.  Having these documents allows them to know your wishes and gives trusted individuals authority to care for  you accordingly without court interference and disputes.  These forms not only protect you, but are tremendously valuable to your loved ones.

Prices starting at



When the trustees(s) of a lving trust pass away or become incapacitated their trust must be "administered" to carry out the purpose of the trust.  We make sure this important process is done properly to comply with the law and avoid disputes.   Our low rates are simple and straightforward so you preserve as much of the estate as possible:


  • 2% on the first $ 100,000.00

  • 1.5% on the next $100,000.00

  • 1% on the next   $800,000.00

  • 0.5% on the next $9,000,000.00



  • Document Review.  Have your documents periodically reviewed to ensure they are still valid, complete and accurately reflect your wishes.

      No Charge.

  • Amend Documents.  It's important to amend your documents any time you have a major life change, including marriage, divorce, having children, moving, buying/selling a home, etc.

      Trust Restatement $1000-$1500

  • Probate.  If your family member died without a trust, we can help you get through the probate process.

  • Transfer items into an existing trust.  Be sure to keep your living trust funded with your assets to keep them out of probate!  $200

  • Conservatorship.  If your loved one does not have powers of attorney and needs help managing their affairs, you may need the court to appoint a conservator to care for him/her.

Rates Vary

"When you are prepared to die, you are free to fully live."



Links Coming Soon

Who Needs A


Who Needs A Trust?

What Happens If I

Die Without A Will?

10 Documents

Everyone  Should Have

Providing for Someone

with Special Needs

The Importance of Estate Planning

After Divorce

Estate Planning Workshop

for Your Group

t: 619.694.7892    e:



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